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"The impact this trip had on me was awesome. I love being outdoors and I’m still learning
a LOT about God and how wonderful he is. He had shown himself in so many ways..."


-Robert Gunderson

"It is difficult to put into words what wilderness ministry means to me. It has impacted my character and my faith in significant ways. In any given trip there are so many ways it can be a microcosm of life and the journey of faith. There are setbacks, breakthroughs, challenges, rewards, difficulties, ease, unexpected obstacles, solutions, beauty, pain, and surprises. Some would avoid a trip like this because of it’s rigors but this is precisely what makes it so valuable. Being in the wilderness not only allows you to experience the grace of God through the beauty of his creation, it also allows you to encounter yourself, especially the parts you are still unfamiliar with. It isn’t until you get into the deep woods that you gain a sense of survival that forces a sense of introspection and a true dependence upon the others in your group. Overcoming the challenges and tasting the rewards not only deepens your character but it bonds you with Christian brothers over truly meaningful experiences of struggle and success. The weaknesses you may have been able to hide so well in normal life are often times put on display for you and others to see. This is where the gospel of Christ becomes so sweet to needy sinners as you become known and loved for who you truly are. There are some lessons that the great outdoors can only teach and the things you learn from them will be continually beneficial to you throughout all parts of your life. If you are looking for a relaxing vacation, this won't be it. If you are looking to be enriched, confronted, confirmed, and bonded with others in meaningful relationships, the challenge is a great investment into your soul and body."


- Kevin Feder



"I think the biggest takeaway I have from the trip is the importance of taking breaks from looking through my phone screen all the time and to instead take in God’s wonderful creation with my eyes. It’s so easy to try and get the perfect picture; and then end up missing the beauty of it. With that said, the Bible studies, conversations, hikes, and views that we had on the trip are ones that need to be experienced by oneself to fully appreciate them." 


-Caleb Springfield 

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