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Meet US

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In 2009, the trajectory of my life took a major turn when I became a Christian. I was selfish, I used people, and had no real direction in my life. My roommate at the time noticed all of these behaviors and was concerned and decided to confront me about them. He said that God punished sin by sending his son Jesus to take the punishment on a cross in the place of all people that believe and turn away from sin. Now I am free to live in obedience to God and his law, live for others and share the good news that I had just heard. Through a series of events that only God could orchestrate, I met a man in Grand Marais, MN who had started a thriving ministry where he used the wilderness of northern Minnesota to teach God’s truth to young people. He invited me to come and learn about his ministry by learning to lead expeditions into the wilderness. During my immersive training in Grand Marais, I witnessed to power of ministering God’s word while in the context of wilderness. In the Bible, we see Jesus accomplishing this several times during his time with his disciples. God required patience from us to wait on him for the right time to launch. But now through prayer, God’s word, the encouragement of others and timely circumstances, I trust God that it is time to begin! Our passion is to use what God has created in nature as a tool to reveal Jesus to people. Join us in our pursuit to see God glorified through our work in spreading the good news of Jesus outside!

Erik Aleckson- Director of Wilderness Ministry


Rebekah Aleckson- Administration

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